Personal One-to-One Support

"Diane brings a wealth of knowledge, understanding and wisdom
to everything she does. She equips and empowers you to live a balanced, authentic, and significant life.

No matter who you are or what you've been through, there is hope for your future! The challenges we face on a day by day basis can often steal our joy and our mental well-being; unless we learn how to overcome those challenges!
How well do you cope with all that is hapening within you and around you?
Do you mask your pain and/or struggles with life-controlling substances such as drugs? alcohol? binging? or just plain busyness? If so, I understand. My own personal experience overcoming addictions and trauma propels me to ask these tough questions.
But there is a much better and healthier way to live!
Isn't it time you live life to the fullest?
NOW is the time for you to live your BEST life!
Do you feel like you're going around the mountain (again)? Maybe you have unfulfilled dreams? Unwritten books? Feel like a failure? Or still don't know what God has called YOU to do?
Have you heard yourself saying, "I don't know where to start! I don't know HOW to get through this alone?!"
I believe more than ever, that there is a way THROUGH EVERY obstacle! It's heartbreaking to see so many "Christians" giving up, sitting back, full of apathy, waiting for their dreams to come to pass. They blame the enemy, the Church, its leaders, pandemics, their jobs, God's so-called 'timing', or anyone around them.
Myles Munroe said it bluntly, "The richest place in the world is the cemetery! It is filled with unwritten books, dreams, inspiration, inventions, and ministries that never started because its leader was afraid… afraid to start and see what God would do.”
Don’t wait another minute! You were born for a time such as this! Your time is NOW.
Don't quit before your miracle happens, let me help you. We'll take it one step at a time…
Send me an email with your name and phone number -- no obligation -- no committment -- and I'll call you back. We'll explore whether Personal One-to-One Mentoring is right for you.
Service Description
During this free 30 minute exploratory chat, you decide if my transformational One-to-One Life Mentoring program is right for you. My style is best for CHRIST-CENTRED MEN & WOMEN who are serious about PUTTING THEIR FAITH INTO PRACTICE. Kingdom BELIEVERS serious about their personal, professional, and spiritual maturity, and who are willing to invest time and money in themselves. Men & women who are ready to make whatever changes are necessary to become all they can be so they will make a significant impact in their relationships, family, communities and nation.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is NOT Coaching or Counseling. I am not a healthcare professional. I can help you see yourself and your circumstances in a different light, help determine your destination, provide action steps and identify any obstacles or life-controlling behaviors so you can achieve your desired results. If you are experiencing or processing trauma, or need physical or mental health attention, please seek assistance from a Licensed Therapist.
So, are you ready? Invest in YOU!