Body, Soul, Spirit

virtual roundtable
Are you ready to examine yourself?
With this NEW Unmasked Body, Soul and Spirit
Virtual Roundtable you get:
Seven Monthly 90-Minutes LIVE Virtual Roundtable Coaching Sessions with Diane
Unmasked Body, Soul & Spirit Activity Guide
Connection with a private like-minded community that will encourage, see you and hear you!
Bonus e-books and resources
Next group starting MAY 2025!
$75 monthly OR $525 in full
It's ironic, isn't it?
We take our cars to mechanics, our bodies to doctors, our clothes to tailors, broken things to repairmen, our brains to teachers, and our teeth to dentists. But when was the last time you took your soul and spirit for a check-up?

Every human being is made of 3 parts:
body (physical skin, bones, organs, muscles, etc.),
soul or heart (emotions, thoughts, feelings, psyche, personality), and
spirit (inmost part possessing God-consciousness; life or death)
Your physical body is the house; a temple of sorts, for your soul and spirit. From the inside out, your soul affects your speech, your behaviours, decisions, and your relationships. Your spirit affects your eternal destination and your ability to love and receive love. Doesn't it make sense for you to care for all three of these parts? To ensure they are each functioning well? But how?
Would you like to be part of a community that leads you step-by-step? What if you invested some time to examine your life; body, soul and spirit? To find out how you're really doing? To unmask any areas that are preventing you from being all you were created to be?
In the process you will find your purpose, be reminded of your true identity, gain confidence, find your voice, and get strong body, soul and spirit.
Life was never meant to be lived in isolation. And let's face it; we've all got our issues! Yet, we are part of each other; a body of Christ.
Becoming part of Unmasked Body, Soul & Spirit Virtual Roundtable, together, with other like-minded women, you will discover the treasures buried inside you, and you will be empowered using proven tools and strategies to live the life of your dreams. It really can happen. No matter your circumstances!
How do I know? I've been there. I was broken. Stuck. Feeling alone. Longing for more but didn't know how to move forwards...until I decided to stop making excuses and got serious about my own health; body, soul & spirit.
I believe you have a wealth of potential inside you. God created all of us that way. At my lowest point, God revealed keys that helped me understand my own potential and then showed me how to unlock that potential in myself and in those around me!
In the words of the late Myles Munroe, "You must decide if you are going to rob the world or bless it with the rich, valuable, potent, untapped resources locked away within you.”
You won't find those resources unless you take time to examine yourself. You can't get to your destination without knowing exactly where you are, what you really believe, and know exactly where you're going!
Don't keep watching others rise up. It's time for YOU to get unmasked and be all you were created to be.

Through my coaching sessions with Diane,
I have gained far more freedom, peace & integrity in my interactions and personal relationships.
I am overcoming many fears and obstacles in perceptions of others and myself - bringing a far deeper revelation of the Father’s merciful nature and who Jesus really is.
If you've been through:
some sort of trauma
hope deferred
empty-nest transition
or any other life-challenge
any sense of personal balance, joy, or walking in God’s will can feel like a distant memory.
You might be stuck in a cycle of procrastination or perfectionism, or experiencing the paralyzing fear of failure that won't let you take the risks you long to take.
You feel 'called', you have a dream, your expectations were high so you gave it a go...and then...
NOTHING! So, you withdrew even further.
On the outside, no one knows what you’ve been through or are going through. You’ve learned to mask your emotions, feelings, and thoughts with a response like, ‘everything’s fine.’ But it’s not. Not at all.
Physically, you’re exhausted. Emotionally, drained. And spiritually, well, your head knows what you ought to do, but your heart is in survival mode. Will it ever change? Your dreams, desires and aspirations all seem to be in lock-down.
“If I just keep praying…”
“Time will change things…”
“I’ll start tomorrow…”
“I can’t…”
Don’t believe these lies! There is hope! And you can get through this.
We are a remnant of faith-based women willing to look at ourselves honestly, using biblical principles as our plumb-line. We are women willing to step out and take responsibility for our own thoughts, actions, decisions, and behaviours. Women willing to shake off the dust, get healthy; body, soul and spirit, and go after those dreams again!
Have you ever wondered:
Why aren’t my prayers being answered?
Why are my relationships struggling?
Why am I stuck in negative mindsets?
Why is it that everyone else seems to be taking steps forward when I'm standing still?
Unmasked Body, Soul & Spirit Virtual Roundtable will address these questions and so much more!
When you enrol you receive:
Seven Monthly 90-Minutes LIVE Virtual Roundtable Coaching Sessions with Diane
Unmasked Body, Soul & Spirit Activity Guide
Connected with a private like-minded community that will encourage, see you and hear you!
Bonus e-books and resources
Next group starting MAY 2025! Email me for details.
$75 monthly or $525 in full